
Lamar Tribble

What inspired you to pursue a career in choreography and dance, and how did growing up in Long Beach influence your artistic journey?Lamar: Growing up in Long Beach, man, it was like the streets were our stage, you feel me? Every corner, every block had its own rhythm, its own vibe. I was just a...CONTINUE READING

Brian Sheil

Interview with Brian: Insights from a Music Producer 1. Non-Alcoholic Beverages for Energy and Inspiration Brian: You can say that again! Intensity, focus, and creativity are all part of the creative process alright. It’s kind of ironic because I don’t drink alcohol, never even tasted it. I know it’s strange for an Irishman, but there...CONTINUE READING

CEO Polo Molina

As a prominent figure in the entertainment industry and a successful entrepreneur, what role do you think the choice of drink plays in networking and building relationships in the business world? Polo: The entertainment world is a space where everybody has their guard up at first. It can be a secretive environment, a secretive industry....CONTINUE READING

DJ Evil E Interview

1. How did your upbringing in Brooklyn influence your approach to DJing and music? DJ Evil E: Growing up in Brooklyn was like being immersed in a melting pot of sounds and vibes that pulsated through the streets. It wasn’t just about where you were from, it was about the energy you absorbed. Brooklyn taught...CONTINUE READING
Category:Personal Blog

Silas White CEO

1. Silas: As a renowned manager and consultant in the entertainment industry, you’ve worked with some of the biggest names. How do you balance the demands of your high-profile clients with your personal life? Silas: That is a great question. In all these years of doing this business I’ve had to put it into the...CONTINUE READING

Charlie P

New Interview 1. Charlie Can you share a memorable story or experience where your choice of drink played a role in a significant business decision or moment? Charlie P: Recently Rum n Coke has intrigued my taste buds. On a flight to Los Angeles to board a cruise to Ensenada, Mexico for a live performance...CONTINUE READING

Gabriel ‘Costa’ Gomes

Gabriel’s Interview 1. Career Path: Interviewer: Your journey from being a club DJ to a sought-after music producer and mix engineer is fascinating. Can you walk us through some pivotal moments or decisions that shaped your career path? Gabriel: These seem like separate careers but in my mind they all stem from the same obsession,...CONTINUE READING
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